Sunday, April 30, 2017

18 Tips. The effective way of passing Civil Service Examination


     Want to become a government employee but don't know how to pass the civil service exam? Check out these proven tips, strategies, and techniques for test-taking.

Before the Test

Tip #1. Study.

     Every year, thousands of applicants take the civil service exam, but only a small percentage of them actually pass. The question is, how can you be one of them? To answer this, you must first understand what the exam is and what it covers.
The career service examination, which is more popularly referred to as the civil service examination, is an aptitude test. As such, the civil service exam coverage includes basic subjects such as English, Mathematics,  Logic, Clerical Operations , and General Information.

     Unfortunately, a lot of people take the civil service exam without studying at all, or without studying enough. It is not uncommon to hear applicants say, "Baka sakaling maka-tsamba!" or "Baka swertehin!" Luck, however, has little to do with it. Passing the civil service exam requires discipline and hard work.

     There are some people who make it with hardly any effort, and yet they pass the civil service exam with flying colors. This no luck as it can be attributed to having a strong academic foundation. If you were an exceptional student, then you probably do not need to study as hard. If you were an ordinary student like the majority of the applicants, then you really need to put in more time and effort.

     We tend to forget information that we do not often use. For instance, unless your job requires you to solve mathematical word problem on regular basis, you probably do not remember how to compute age problems, work problems, and distance problems, to name a few. If you do remember, it will probably take you some time to answer. This is why you need to study in order to refresh your memory and to pass the civil service exam.

    Students who take the board exams(for doctors, nurses, engineers, accountants, and others professionals) usually prepare for 6 months, and set aside bout 4-8 hours a day to review. Since the civil service exam is relatively easier, then you do not need to study as much and as long. Make it a point to study 60 minutes daily for the next month or so to brush up on your stock knowledge. This way, you will not panic and cram a few days before the civil service exam. You must also submit your application requirement early so it would be one less thing to worry about.

Tip#2. Read. Do not memorize.

     Since the civil service exam is a multiple choice test, your goal in studying is to build your stock knowledge. There is no need to memorize any details. All you need to do is to read and familiarize yourself with the basic concept.

     Most people make the mistake of memorizing the answers to reviewers. This a faulty approach, not to mention a complete waste of time. For one, the exam question change every year. For another, good civil service exam reviewers only try to simulate the actual exam by providing sample questions to teach you the basic concepts and to train you to answers more effectively.

     If you have the luxury of time, you may read your old text books on the covered subjects. If you are hard-pressed for time, it is recommended that you purchase a good civil service exam reviewer which will aid you in your study. A good reviewer will provide you a summary of the lessons that you need to learn, as well as some exercise and test to work on.

    These are study guides, sample question, exercises, and practice test in this blog named Civil Service Examination Tips and Tricks.

Tip#3. Choose a good reviewer.

       It is essential to know the different types of questions that are commonly asked in the civil service exam, and the skills that are required in answering them. Being familiar with the format of the questions will remove the element of surprise and help you to answer more effectively.

      If you have the luxury time, you may read your old text books on the covered subjects. If you are hard-pressed for time, it is recommended that you purchase a good civil service exam reviewer which will aid you in  your study. A good reviewer will provide you summary of the lessons that you need to learn, as well as some exercises and tests to work on.

         There are study guides, sample questions, exercise and practice test in this blog. (

Tip#4. Attend a quick refresher course.

    If time and budget permit, then enroll in a CSE review center class for a quick refresher course. A good review program will not only teach you what to study, but more importantly, how to study for the civil service exam. It will give you an idea on the current trends, help you simplify difficult concepts, and inspire you to strive harder in order to pass the civil service exam.

Tip#5. Evaluate your strength and weaknesses.

    Take a diagnostic test, make an honest assessment  of your skills. Find out which areas you are good at, and which areas you need to improve on.

    Are you struggling with the percentage problems? Are you having difficulty with verbal analogies? Once you are aware of your weak spots, the devote extra time to work on these problem areas. The Civil Service Examination Tips and Tricks has 2 full-length practice test which you can use to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.

Tip#6. Form a study group.

Studying alone can be boring at times. Find out who among your classmates or co-workers will be taking the civil service exam. Invite them to form a study group. Look for a conductive place to study, and try to meet a few times each week to discuss the assigned project matter. Having someone to ask and compare notes with can motive you study harder and help you pass the civil service exam.

Tip#7. Be confident.

    Adopt a winning attitude. After putting in the time and the effort, you must believe that you have what it takes to pass the civil service exam. It is easy to discouraged and to quickly lose to interest if you do not have faith in yourself.

    On exam day, even if there are a couple of question you cannot answers, you have to continue and move on. You have to keep your eye on the prize. You do not need to get a perfect score. You just need 80% to pass.

Tips#8. Eat brain-boosting foods.

    Whille studying for the civil service exam, eat brain foods like nuts and dark chocolates to be mentally alert and improve your memory.

Tip#9. Exercise. Eat right. Stay healthy.

    Having a sound mind and a sound body will get you on the right track. Eat right. Exercise daily. Study religiously. All three should be part of your daily routine while preparing for the civil service exam.

Tip#10. Sleep.

    Every day, after you study, make sure that you get enough rest. This will help your mind and body to recover and to be ready for another around of studying the following day.

    The day before the civil service exam, you need to sleep early. Pulling an all-nighter to study will only leave you feeling exhausted and affect your concentration. You will be able to answer more effectively on the day of the exam if you are calm and relaxed.

Tip#11. Eat a hearty breakfast. Bring drinks, candies, and biscuits.

    Do not go to the exam room with an empty stomach as this will affect your concentration. Prepare your favorite food to get you in good mood. Eat a hearty breakfast to start your day right. Bring water or any non-alcoholic beverage in a clear or transparent container to keep yourself hydrated while taking the civil service exam. You may munch on some bite-sized dark chocolates, hard candies, or biscuits for a quick boost of energy while answering the test questions.

Tip#12. Dress for comfort.

    Choose an outfit that is decent, relaxed, and casual. The more comfortable, the better. Take note that sleeveless shirts or blouses, short pants, and slippers are prohibited.

Tip#13. Remember to bring all the requirements.

    Make sure that you put all the requirements in your bag, before you leave for the civil service exam. There is nothing worse than being sent home and not being able to take the test after months of preparation.

Here are the requirements need on the day of the exam:

·         ID
·         original copy of the NSO birth certificate(if ID has no birth date)
·         application receipt
·         official receipt
·         notice of school assignment from the Online Notice of School Assignment
·         dark lead pencils and erasers.
·         ball pens(blue or black)

Tip#14. Never leave an item blank.

    The civil service exam is not a right-minus-wrong test. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. So if you do not know or if you are not sure of the answer, then take a guess.

Tip#15. Do not waste too much time on difficult questions.

    Do not spend too much time on difficult questions. If you are taking too long on a particular item, then move on to the next. Your goal is to answer as many easy question as possible.

Tip#16. Pray.

    Hard work combined with prayer is the best recipe for success.

After the Test

Tip#17. Forget about it.

    After taking the test, the waiting game begins.  There is nothing you can do about it anymore. Instead of worrying, try to put it off your mind.

Tip#18. Do not give up.

    If you did not succeed on your last take, try again next time. Do not be discouraged. Do not lose hope. But do learn from your mistakes. Do not take the civil service exam again doing exactly what you did the last time. Ask yourself where you went wrong and how you could have prepared better, then make some adjustments accordingly. As someone once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

    Are you ready for the civil service exam? Be a CSE passer. Start your civil service exam review now. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."


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