Monday, May 1, 2017


Learn about the requirements, qualifications, levels, modes, exemptions, passing rate, and other details that you need for the test.

Levels and Coverage

1. What is the civil service exam?

The civil service exam is an aptitude test administered by the Civil Service Commission.  It aims to determine an applicant's preparedness and fitness to enter the government work force.

2. What are the 2 levels of the civil service exam?

The 2 levels are the Professional Level and Sub-Professional Level

3. What is the coverage of the civil service exam?

The coverage depends on the level of exam that you will be taking. For the Professional Level, the following subjects are included: English, Filipino, Mathematics, Analogies, Logical Reasoning, and General Information. For the Sub-Professional Level, the following subjects are included: English, Filipino, Mathematics, Analogies, Clerical Operations, and General Information.

4. How to many items are there in the Professional and Sub-Professional Levels?

3 hours and 10 minutes for the Professional Level. 2 hours and 40 minutes for the Sub-Professional Level.

5. How many items are there in the Professional and Sub-Professional Levels?

170 items for the Professional Level. 165 items for the Sub-Professional Level.

Qualification and Modes

6. Who may take the civil service exam?

a)    According to the Civil Service Commission, an applicant must possess the following qualifications.
b)    must be a Filipino citizen;
c)    must be at least 18 years of age;
d)    must be of good moral character;
e)    must have no criminal record or must not have been convicted by final judgement of any offense or crime involving moral turpitude, disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonestly, examination irregularity, drunkenness, or addiction to drugs;
f)     must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position; and
g)    must not have taken the same level of civil service exam within 3 months from the last one taken.

7. What level of exam am I qualified to take?

You may take the Professional and Sub-Professional Levels regardless of your educational attainment.

8. What are the 2 modes for taking the civil service exam?

The Civil Services Commission provides 2 modes of test: Paper-and-Pencil Test (PPT) and Computerized Examination(COMEX).

9. Which mode should I take?

If you have very good computer skills, then may opt to take the Computerize Exam. Computer familiarity is essential if you are choosing this mode. If you are not the tech savvy, then you may opt for the traditional mode of Paper-and-Pencil Test.

10. Am I exempt from taking the civil service exam?

The Civil Service Commission grants exemption to the following qualified individuals:
a)    board passers and bar passers
b)    barangay health workers
c)    barangay nutrition scholars
d)    electronic data processing specialist
e)    foreign school honor graduate
f)     honor school graduate
g)    sanggunian members
h)    scientific and technological specialist skills eligibility - category II
i)     veteran preference rating(not an exemption but a special rating)

Application Requirements

11. How do I apply for the Paper-and-Pencil Test(PPT)?

The application requirements for the Paper-and-Pencil Test are as follows:
a. The applicant must submit an application form to any CSC Regional or Field Office. The "signature for applicant" and "right thumb mark" appearing on the applications form must be left blank.

b. The applicant must submit 4 identical ID picture which must meet the following requirements:
-passport size(4.5cm x 3.5cm x 1.8in. x 1.4in.)
-colored with white background
-taken within the last 3 months
-standard close-up shot(at least 80% of the picture must show the shoulder up to the face and head while the name tag must be positioned at about 1in. or 2.54cm. below the chin)
-without eye glasses or accessories covering the face
-must show both ears
-full face view(applicant must be directly facing the camera with neutral facial expression)
-with full and handwritten nametag: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name(if any), followed by the signature over printed name.

c. The applicant must present an original and submit a photocopy of any one of the following valid identification cards: Driver's License, PRC License, SSS ID, GSIS ID, Philhealth ID, current company ID, current school ID, Postal ID, BIR ID, Barangay ID, Voter's ID, Valid Passport, Police Clearance.

d. The applicant must submit a NSO birth certificate(if the applicant's ID has no birth date).

e. The applicant must present the original and photocopy of his Certificate of Retention/Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration (if the applicant is a dual citizen).

f. The applicant must pay the registration fee of PHP 500.

12. How do I apply for the Computerized Examination(COMEX)?

The application requirements for the Computerized Examination are:
a. Create user account at the COMEX website;
b. Pick an exam schedule;
c. Wait for an email confirmation from the Civil Service Commission that the slot was successfully reserved; and
d. Make a personal appearance before the Civil Service Commission testing center to verify identify, pay the registration fee of PHP600, and have personal details taken(photo, biometrics, and digital signature).

Civil Service Exam: Passing Rate Etc.

13. What is the passing rate for the civil service exam?

The passing rate is 80%

14. How many times am I allowed to the civil service exam?

You make take the civil service exam as many times as you need to pass it. Note, however, that you can only take same level of exam once in every 3 months. This means that if you take the Professional Level and fail, then you have to let 3 months pass before you may take the same again.

15. How do I check my civil service exam rating?

An applicant may check his rating through the Online Civil Service Examination Report Generation System(OCSERGS). This is usually available 15 days after the release of the results. To access the report, the following details must be provided by the applicant when visiting the Civil Service Commission website: date of birth, complete name, examine number, exam date, exam type, and region where the exam was taken.

An applicant who passes the exam will be given a certificate of eligibility. This usually available 30 days after the release of the results. The certificate must be personally claimed the Civil Service Commission Regional Office.

16. What else do I need to know about the civil service exam?

Cheating of any form is not allowed so do not even try, Any person caught cheating by the Civil Service Commission may be held administratively and criminally liable.

If you study daily for 60 minutes for the next month or so, you will be able to master civil service exam, and you will not be tempted to cheat a all.


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